TPL Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery

The TPL Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery is the main supplier of power for each Birdy Slim pager. The lightweight 3.7 VDC, 700 mA Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery is one of the more popular types of rechargeable batteries used in small electronic devices.

Manufacturer: TPL

Rechargeable battery life in part depends upon the number of charge-discharge cycles performed by the battery. Eventually battery performance will be reduced to a noticeable level. Therefore, the Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery should be replaced on a regular basis to maintain peak pager performance. Old and worn out Li-Ion rechargeable batteries are considered to be non-hazardous and may be disposed of accordingly.

Swapping out the Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery for a new one consists of first detaching the pager’s belt clip and removing the two screws that hold the battery cover in place. The battery cover itself is tightly fitted into the pager housing due to small plastic tabs on either side of the cover. These plastic tabs allow the cover to be held securely in place. The cover must be gently pried off the back of the pager by inserting a flat-head screwdriver or comparable tool into the slot at the top of the battery cover. Turn the pager over and the rechargeable battery will easily fall out.

Rechargeable battery life in part depends upon the number of charge-discharge cycles performed by the battery. Eventually battery performance will be reduced to a noticeable level. Therefore, the Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery should be replaced on a regular basis to maintain peak pager performance. Old and worn out Li-Ion rechargeable batteries are considered to be non-hazardous and may be disposed of accordingly.

Swapping out the Birdy Slim Rechargeable Battery for a new one consists of first detaching the pager’s belt clip and removing the two screws that hold the battery cover in place. The battery cover itself is tightly fitted into the pager housing due to small plastic tabs on either side of the cover. These plastic tabs allow the cover to be held securely in place. The cover must be gently pried off the back of the pager by inserting a flat-head screwdriver or comparable tool into the slot at the top of the battery cover. Turn the pager over and the rechargeable battery will easily fall out.