Message formatting for WiPath LED signs is accomplished by selecting any combination of settings from the “LED Config” software program. 25 different character fonts are available for the WL1680T with variations for shaded characters, wide characters, and character size. Selecting particular “Fancy” fonts will display the message in 2 line format. Colors include red, light red, green, light green, amber, orange, and three mixed color schemes among others. There are over 25 message styles to select from with some of them being Roll Left, Roll Right, Roll Down, Flash, Snow, and Sparkle. Messages can be aligned left, center, or right, and the speed of the displayed message can be adjusted to any of 5 settings. Once complete, the message can be paused from 0 to 9 seconds before starting again.
The configured message can be uploaded to the LED sign in either of two ways. After selecting your messaging options with the WiPath “LED Config” software, the program provides local uploading capability to the sign via the computer interface. The second message programming option is via the built-in pager and WiPath “PDT3P” (Paging Data Terminal 3000 Programming) software. The “PDT3P” program configures the paging frequency, baud rate, and capcodes. Alphanumeric messages containing the configured LED sign options can then be sent to the sign through local or wide area paging systems. Multiple signs can be programmed simultaneously with the same configuration information with this type of system.