Alpha Legend Dual Programmer

The Alpha Legend Dual Pager Programmer includes a programming nest or fixture, a DB9 serial cable, a 5 VDC 1A power adapter, and programming software. The programming fixture is used as a common part for all Unication alphanumeric pager programmers, so it is compatible with Alpha Elegant, Alpha Elegant Dual, Alpha Legend Plus, and Alpha Elite pagers as well. The programming software for the Alpha Legend Dual was developed for all Unication alphanumeric pagers using the POCSAG coding format, so it can be used interchangeably with the previously listed pagers except the Alpha Elite FLEX pager.

Manufacturer: Unication

To program or read an Alpha Legend Dual Pager, connect the serial cable to an available COM port on the computer and also to the programming fixture.  Plug in the adapter to apply power to the fixture.  The pager must be on and positioned in the fixture so the two programming pins fit into the holes near the battery lock latch of the pager housing.  Lowering the locking arm of the fixture and snapping it into place will hold the pager down securely.  Install, run and configure the latest version of the programming software.

To program or read an Alpha Legend Dual Pager, connect the serial cable to an available COM port on the computer and also to the programming fixture.  Plug in the adapter to apply power to the fixture.  The pager must be on and positioned in the fixture so the two programming pins fit into the holes near the battery lock latch of the pager housing.  Lowering the locking arm of the fixture and snapping it into place will hold the pager down securely.  Install, run and configure the latest version of the programming software.

Alpha Legend Dual Programming Software


Software Version


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Date Published

29 Jan 2018

File Size

2.0 MB